These test kits allow determination of your rate of aging and your biological age in several categories. They are based on the analysis of the methylation of your genome. All you need is to send few drops of dry blood on the paper filter to laboratory and obtain your results by e-mail in 2-4 weeks
Basic test containing information about your rate of aging (Dunedin PACE algorithm) and telomeric age (based on the length of your telomers). The results are accompanied by multiple pages of explanations and recommendations.
Most complete commercial epigenomic test on the market. In addition to rate of aging and telomeris age, it contains multiple additions of disease conditions which could be predicted by the epigenomic analysts of your genome.
Add a description about this item it contains information about your rate of aging, telomeres and biological age based on the analysis of 820 methylation markers in your genome.
Explanation of test results and recommendations through personal email or phone by US licensed medical practitioners. Up to 45 min duration !